Thursday, July 10, 2008

Stupid News - Jesse Jackson Hates Obama - Jackson says sorry for crude threat.

Stupid News - Jesse Jackson Hates Obama - Jackson says sorry for crude threat.
Sorry, Jackson says, for crude Obama quip

CHICAGO – The Rev. Jesse Jackson apologized Wednesday for "regretfully crude" comments he made about Barack Obama during what he thought was a private conversation with a reporter.

The remarks came Sunday in response to a question from a fellow guest during a break from taping Fox & Friends. The guest asked about speeches on morality Mr. Obama has given at black churches.

An open microphone picked up Mr. Jackson whispering, "See, Barack's been talking down to black people. ... I want to cut his nuts off."

Mr. Jackson said Wednesday that he felt there were other important issues to be addressed for black voters, such as unemployment and the number of blacks in prison.

The Obama campaign said it accepted Mr. Jackson's apology. But Mr. Jackson's son, Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. of Illinois, blasted his father's comments Wednesday.

The elder Jackson drew fire in 1984 for calling New York City "Hymietown," referring to its large Jewish population. He later acknowledged it was wrong to use the term but said he did so in private to a reporter.

From wire reports

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