Stupid Funny Blog
Stupid News,Odd News,Bizarre News,Political News,Celeb News!
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Brazilian Woman auctions virginity for $780,000

Indiana Man Gets Romney ‘R’ Logo Tattooed on His Face

Saturday, November 3, 2012
Florida Lawyer Posts Pictures of Client’s Underwear on Facebook – Mistrial Declared
A man who stands accused of stabbing and killing his girlfriend has been granted a mistrial due to the awkward misconduct and subsequent firing of his attorney, Anya Cintron Stern. Stern was fired after .Read More
14 Pictures From A Zombie Wedding
When Sarah and Phil took their vows, the “'til death do us part” may actually not apply in the traditional sense. This photoseries by Amanda Kopp
....see the rest
Funny Republican news headline mistake
I guess the editor missed this one..
Friday, November 2, 2012
Larry Flynt Offers Richard Mourdock $1 Million Rape Challenge
When Indiana GOP Senate candidate Richard Mourdock de clared he opposes aborting pregnancies conceived in rape be cause "it is something that God intended to happen," he came under a lot of fire.
Larry Flynt Offers Richard Mourdock $1 Million Rape Challenge - Huffington Post http://tinyurl.com/bukqjzh shared via www.newshog.co
Apple mini pad in New York
1 of 8. Apple employees share high-fives with customers who has been waiting in line to purchase the new iPad minis at Apple Store Ginza in Tokyo November 2, 2012.
Apple iPad mini draws New Yorkers; crowds thin elsewhere - Reuters UK http://tinyurl.com/adcgn4v shared via www.newshog.co
weird Beatles fact
Hey, Check out this interesting fact: The Beatles did not play a single note in the song "Eleanor Rigby".
Saturday, December 31, 2011
The Ten Top New Years Resolutions for 2012 - Trying to Improve
1. Stop Smoking
2. Get into a Habit of being Fit
3. Lose Weight - the Battle of the Bulge
4. Enjoy Life More.
5. Quit Drinking
6. Organise Yourself - this is one of the keys to reaching your goals
7. Learn Something New
8. Get out of Debt
9. Spend More Time With Family
10. Help People.
Make those Resolutions stick! Set your Goals
Couple in McDonald’s drive-thru completely nude
True cost of DUI About $10,000
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Morgue fridge holds corpse, coffin, caviar
Man shoots himself in the foot to get painkillers
Billings, Montana – A Miles City man’s demands for prescription drugs turned violent after hospital staff refused to give him the drugs. He then proceeded to shoot himself in effort to get the painkillers. Police said that the 48-year-old man came to the hospital and wanted pain killers for severe back pain and was allegedly denied treatment. The man was upset and went to his vehicle, grabbed a handgun and shot himself in the ankle in an effort to get the painkillers. Full Article
For the not-so-serious drinker: Marshmallow vodka (Reuters)
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Pig dung helps beat crime in UK
Voters to decide if porn actors must wear condoms
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Clerk socks would-be robber in gold store
Giant shrimp invade the Gulf of Mexico
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Fake Doctor Flushed Liposuction Fat Down Toilet
Man stole cancer donation jar
Friday, November 25, 2011
Woman jailed for stealing $1 million from Mark Twain House (Reuters)
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Happy Thanksgiving-Thanksgiving Prayer
Prayer of Thanksgiving
O God, we thank you for this earth, our home;
we thank you for the vast and beautiful sky and the blessed sun,
we thank you for the salted seas and the running pure waters,
we thank you the everlasting hills and mountains,
we thank you for the never-resting winds,
we thank you for the trees and the simple grass under our feet.
We thank you for our senses
that let us hear the songs of the birds,
that give us sight to see the splendor of the summer fields,
that let us taste the autumn fruits,
that let us rejoice in the feel of the first fallen snow,
And smell the breath of the newborn spring.
Dear God grant us a heart wide open to all this beauty;
And save our souls from being so blind by the problems of this day,
That we may pass not seeing the beauty of your creations,
nor feeling the love of our families and friends,
That even in the storms of life,
We still find ourselves inflamed with Love for you.
O God our creator,
Bless all here today,
Grant that they find peace and love in their homes and hearts,
And thank you Lord for providing us with this Thanksgiving dinner
And grant us peace now and always
Through your Son Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
May the Lord bless us,
Protect us,
And bring us to everlasting life.